Saturday, May 23, 2020
High School Students Across America - 1165 Words
The Scholastic Aptitude Test, or SAT is a very well known test, especially by high school students across America. This test consist of 138 questions, all multiple choice except for several math graphs, divided into two sections-math and verbal, both scored on a scale of 200 to 800 (Pacenza). The SAT’s are currently a determining factor for college admissions. This paper will only address the SAT’s, not the PSAT’s or the ACT†s. The SAT was born in the 1920s-the product of a growing desire by American educators, led by Harvard president James Bryant Conant, to open up their universities to the best students across the country (Pacenza). After searching for something that could satisfy their quest for intelligence, the American educators came to a test created by Princeton psychologist Carl Brigham. Brigham had created this test because he concluded in his 1922 book, A Study of American Intelligence that, American intelligence is declining, and will proceed w ith an accelerating rate as the racial admixture becomes more and more extensive. The test was created because according to the author there needed to be a â€Å"division since racial admixture becomes more and more extensive.†The author made the test to be able and pick out the smart, white males and be able to put them in recognized institutions. The author’s motives were to be able and select the intelligent American individuals apart from the diversity. The author believed that the decline of American intelligence wasShow MoreRelatedBenefits of Wireless Devices in the High School Classroom Essay951 Words  | 4 PagesThere is a great problem in America today. 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Monday, May 11, 2020
E Commerce An Opportunity For Fashion Retailers - 795 Words
Share LinkedIn Twitter Email Most Read BRAND BUILDING Talking Commerce and Growth with Katie Rose of The Bridge Co. FUTURE COMMERCE Commercialising Fashion in the Digital Age E-COMMERCE / RETAIL Mobile Commerce: What Fashion Retailers Need to Know FUTURE COMMERCE Sustainability: A Dirty Word for a Clean Cause FUTURE COMMERCE On Production, Provenance and Supply Chain Ethics FUTURE COMMERCE Future Luxury: Recalibrating Luxury for the Digital Economy E-COMMERCE / RETAIL In-Store Mobile Technology: An Opportunity for Fashion Retailers Ahead of Fashion Digital s FD Mobile event on March 24, 2015 in New York City, we continue to delve into our archive, and revisit a series by our friends over at POQ Studio on how mobile offers an unprecedented opportunity to fashion retailers. Despite over 15 years of ecommerce, most fashion retailers still manage online and offline retail as separate departments, but that’s not good enough any more. With the rise of the tech-savvy customer, retailers need to link up these two parts of their business. The potential to better connect online and offline shopping has been underexploited for years while we waited for technology to catch up. Industry experts have been talking about ‘mcommerce’ since the early 2000s, but it’s taken 12 years and the arrival of the iPhone to make it a reality. The same applies to the application of in-store mobile. This year has seen the launch of iBeacons in iOS7, which allow retailers to target customersShow MoreRelatedPersonalised Social Media Endorsements For Online Products1530 Words  | 7 Pagesinclude the information given by customers on what to read, see, buy, and so on; while referral programs involve some material or non-material rewards provided by sellers (Moe Trusov 2011). Ratings and Reviews: these indicate the original social commerce toolset used for customers to share their shopping and user experience. In a business view, these help the companies to integrate community features and customer feedback into their websites. In a customer based view, these help potential customersRead MoreLuxury Brand Experience In An Omni-Channel Setting With Strategic Online Visual Merchandising Analysis867 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction Over the past decade, the consumer has taken the lead in online brand perceptions and conceptualizations. Multi-channel business practices are becoming more adaptive with its fast-growing and evolving consumer market. It is essential that retailers in the 21st century acknowledge the success of multi-channel businesses. 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Reynolds (1999), cited in McGoldrick (2002), made a conclusion about the driving forces impact the development of Business-to-Consumer E-commerce, they are the consumer acceptance, technological process competition and legislative and institutional. Asos, an online fashion retailer, sells over 65,000 own-brand and other brands product and delivers products to 240 different countries (Asosplc, 2014). Until August 2014, Asos’s sales increased to  £975.5 millionRead MoreRetail Info Systems ( Ris ) Reported938 Words  | 4 Pagestop 10 retailers in Apparel Magazine s 2015 annual Top 50 list with the highest profit margins, noting that these 10 had the highest profit margins in the business. All retailers can aspire to, and benefit from, Apparel Magazine s report on the Top 50, which also reveals that the average profit margin for the first 10 retailers was 11.3 percent, with the highest of them earning a score of 17.57 percent. This is good news, however, it is not all store front business. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Economic Growth and Financial Development Free Essays
There are three views about the relation between economic growth and financial development. First, financial development has impact on economic growth (i. e. We will write a custom essay sample on Economic Growth and Financial Development or any similar topic only for you Order Now Bagehot, 1873; Schumpeter, 1912; McKinnon, 1973; Shaw, 1973; Patrick, 1966; Goldsmith, 1969; Fry, 1973). Second, economic growth leads to financial development and that where there is economic growth financial development follows (i. e. Robinson, 1952). The third view, however, contends that both financial development and economic growth Granger cause one another. In the essay, our group focus on the first view which financial development will has passive influence on economic growth. During the year from 1955 to 1993, many scholars has study the relationship between financial development and economic growth. Along with the time goes, the theory that financial development will real promote economic growth has been more and more prefect. In the years between 1950s and 1960s, economists such as Gurley and Shaw began to stress the credit markets and the importance of financial intermediaries, which they believed play an important role in economy. 5] They argued that tradition monetary transmission mechanism ignores the factor of financial structure and financial flow and only pays attention to the total amount of money and the connection of the output. In 1955, Gurley and Shaw bring up the development of financial institution is both a determined and determining variable in the growth process. (Gurley and Shaw, 1995, p. 532). Gurley and Shaw stre ssed that financial intermediaries exert influence on credit supply rather than money supply. In this way, financial intermediaries improve the efficiency of savings turning into investments and then affect the whole economic activities. They are the earliest scholars to study in-depth the relationship between financial and economic development in developing countries. Gurley and Shaw pointed out that the main access road of monetary policy transmission probably have diverted from money quantity, which is traditionally thought as the medium of exchange. Whereas, the â€Å"financial capability†of economy would has a closer relationship with the gross expenditure. They put forward financial development enhances the intermediation of loanable funds and therefore growth will be stimulated and they have a debt-intermediation view. The Debt-intermediation view establishes relations between finance and growth. First, economic growth would be associated with financial development, as external indirect finance provides surplus units with the capacity to spend beyond their earnings. Second, growth would stimulate and be stimulated by the â€Å"institutionalisation of saving and investment†; income grows, richer wealth-holders will increase their desire to diversify their asset portfolio. If financial innovation is such to accommodate this â€Å"diversification demand†, financial institutions can enhance their lending capacity and thus boost growth; the process becomes a cycle. Gurley and Shaw has earlier pointed that the growing importance of NBFI (non-bank financial intermediaries) when they discussed their activities about potentially serious problems for monetary management and monetary policy. 1] Subsequent analysis of the problems had to two results. [2] First, if the monetary authorities exerted control over the financial system through the operating of the financial markets, monetary management would not be undermined. [3] Second, which placed specific restrictions on banks, at that time the dominant financial entities, the growing role of N BFI was stimulated in part by the opportunities for intermediation created by monetary policy measures. These contributions stressed the relevance for financial â€Å"deepening†(mean financial development) of rising wealth and income, then attempts to control the activities of financial intermediaries. Wealth and income incent the demand for financial services. Restrictions and Controls on financial intermediaries create the stimulation for further financial intermediation by generatingâ€Å"quasi-rents†that risk among participants in financial and capital markets and reflect differences in information. 4] However, Gurley and Shaw do not address the issue of causality between financial development and economic growth. In 1966, Patrick make the causality issue is addressed, he posed theâ€Å"stage of development†hypothesis, where the direction of causality between financial development and economic growth changes over the course of development. [6] Two hypotheses are developed, one is Demand-following hypothesis: a causal relationship from real to finance and the other is Supply-leading hypothesis: a causal relationship from finance to growth. The supply-leading hypothesis supposes a causal relationship from financial development to economic growth, which means mature creation of financial institutions and markets increases the supply of financial services, and thus leads to real economic growth. Patrick suggests that initial development is spurred by supply-leading process, which gives way to demand-following process. He posed financial institutions and services emerge as demand for those services unfolds. The idea is that finance is passive in the growth process, but lack of financial institutions may prevent growth to occur. Financial institutions and their services precede the emergence of demand; government support is needed to finance and nascent modern sector, such as subsidized loans, information to small business and long loan durations. He points out the importance of finance in economic growth. The difficulty of establishing the link between financial development and economic growth was first identified by Patrick (1966), he argued that a higher rate of financial growth is positively correlated with successful real growth. [7] In his theory, commercial banks may issue banknotes and accept â€Å"easy†collaterals. Easy loan†can induce economic growth, for it can finance innovation-type investment, however, in fact it can also induce irresponsible borrowing. Since the important work of Patrick, that first postulated a bi-directional relationship between financial development and economic growth. A large empirical literature has emerged testing this hypothesis as the Patrick’s ( 1966) problem remains unresolved: What is the cause and what is the effect? Is finance a leading sector in economic development, or does it simply follow growth in real output which is generated elsewhere. References: [1] de Oliviera Campos, R. 1964) â€Å"Economic Development and Inflation with Special Reference to Latin America†in Development Plans and Programmes Paris: Organisation for Cooperation and Development [2] Duesenberry, J. S. and M. F. McPherson (1991) â€Å"Monetary Management in Sub-Saharan Africa†HIID Development Discussion Papers no. 369, January [3] Friedman, M. (1973) Money and Economic Development The Horowitz Lectures of 1972 New York: Praeger Publishers [4] Malcolm F. McPherson and Tzvetana Rakovski (1999) â€Å"Financial Deepening and Investment in Africa: Evidence from Botswana and Mauritius†, Copyright 1999 Malcolm F. McPherson, Tzvetana Rakovski, and President and Fellows of Harvard College [5] Liu Pan Xie Tao (2006) The Monetary Policy Transmission in China-â€Å"Credit Channel†And Its Limitations, Working Papers of the Business Institute Berlin at the Berlin School of Economics (FHW-Berlin) [6] Anthony P. Wood and Roland C. Craigwell Financial Development and Economic Growth: Testing Patrick’s Hypothesis for Three Caribbean Economies [7] Philip Arestis (2005) FINANCIAL LIBERALISATION AND THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN FINANCE AND GROWTH, University of Cambridge How to cite Economic Growth and Financial Development, Essay examples
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