Sunday, January 26, 2020
Comercio Electrónico
Comercio Electrà ³nico Este trabajo hablara sobre el desenvolvimiento del Comercio Electrà ³nico evidencia en los tiempos actuales, que comprende un instrumento cuyo crecimiento es impresionante, sobre los cuales es necesario tomar control que resguarde el desarrollo de la actividad Comercial que allà se efectà ºa. El interà ©s que surja y se establezcan parà ¡metros controladores en beneficio de quienes forman parte de la actividad; es decir, tanto demandantes como comerciantes de bienes y servicios, asà como de los agentes recaudadores de impuestos a la actividad comercial quienes determinan como usuarios las necesidades reales han de tomarse en cuenta para orientar el diseà ±o de la plataforma tecnolà ³gica sobre la cual opera estas actividades destinadas al Comercio, aun cuando los fabricantes de las tecnologà as han dado muestras fehacientes del perfeccionamiento en cuanto operatividad; sin embargo, en la actualidad se ha incrementado en el ciberespacio (escenario de la actividad comerc ial), un gran nà ºmero de fraudes que van en detrimento de quienes operan comercialmente a travà ©s de este medio, aà ºn cuando el espacio de la operacià ³n es virtual, los delitos o fraudes que ocurren en à ©l son reales. DESARROLLO En la actualidad la informatizacià ³n se ha implantado en casi todos los paà ses. Tanto en la organizacià ³n y administracià ³n de empresas y administraciones pà ºblicas como en la investigacià ³n cientà fica, en la produccià ³n industrial o en el estudio, e incluso en el ocio, el uso de la informà ¡tica es en ocasiones indispensable y hasta conveniente. Sin embargo, junto a las incuestionables ventajas que presenta comienzan a surgir algunas facetas negativas, como por ejemplo, lo que ya se conoce como criminalidad informà ¡tica. El espectacular desarrollo de la tecnologà a informà ¡tica ha abierto las puertas a nuevas posibilidades de delincuencia antes impensables. La manipulacià ³n fraudulenta de los ordenadores con à ¡nimo de lucro, la destruccià ³n de programas o datos y el acceso y la utilizacià ³n indebida de la informacià ³n que puede afectar la esfera de la privacidad, son algunos de los procedimientos relacionados con el procesamiento electrà ³nico de datos mediante los cuales es posible obtener grandes beneficios econà ³micos o causar importantes daà ±os materiales o morales. Pero no sà ³lo la cuantà a de los perjuicios asà ocasionados es a menudo infinitamente superior a la que es usual en la delincuencia tradicional, sino que tambià ©n son mucho mà ¡s elevadas las posibilidades que no lleguen a descubrirse. Se trata de una delincuencia de especialistas capaces muchas veces de borrar toda huella de los hechos. En este sentido, la informà ¡tica puede ser el objeto del ataque o el medio para cometer otros delitos. La informà ¡tica reà ºne unas caracterà sticas que la convierten en un medio idà ³neo para la comisià ³n de muy distintas modalidades delictivas, en especial de carà ¡cter patrimonial (estafas, apropiaciones indebidas, etc.). La idoneidad proviene, bà ¡sicamente, de la gran cantidad de datos que se acumulan, con la consiguiente facilidad de acceso a ellos y la relativamente fà ¡cil manipulacià ³n de esos datos. La importancia reciente de los sistemas de datos, por su gran incidencia en la marcha de las empresas, tanto pà ºblicas como privadas, los ha transformado en un objeto cuyo ataque provoca un perjuicio enorme, que va mucho mà ¡s allà ¡ del valor material de los objetos destruidos. A ello se une que estos ataques son relativamente fà ¡ciles de realizar, con resultados altamente satisfactorios y al mismo tiempo procuran a los autores una probabilidad bastante alta de alcanzar los objetivos sin ser descubiertos. El estudio de los distintos mà ©todos de destruccià ³n y/o violacià ³n del hardware y el software es necesario en orden a determinar cuà ¡l serà ¡ la direccià ³n que deberà ¡ seguir la proteccià ³n jurà dica de los sistemas informà ¡ticos, ya que sà ³lo conociendo el mecanismo de estos mà ©todos es posible encontrar las similitudes y diferencias que existen entre ellos. De este modo se pueden conocer los problemas que es necesario soslayar para conseguir una proteccià ³n jurà dica eficaz sin caer en la casuà stica. En consecuencia, la legislacià ³n sobre proteccià ³n de los sistemas informà ¡ticos ha de perseguir acercarse lo mà ¡s posible a los distintos medios de proteccià ³n ya existentes, creando una nueva regulacià ³n sà ³lo en aquellos aspectos en los que, en base a las peculiaridades del objeto de proteccià ³n, sea imprescindible. Si se tiene en cuenta que los sistemas informà ¡ticos, pueden entregar datos e informaciones sobre miles de personas, naturales y jurà dicas, en aspectos tan fundamentales para el normal desarrollo y funcionamiento de diversas actividades como bancarias, financieras, tributarias, provisionales y de identificacià ³n de las personas. Y si a ello se agrega que existen Bancos de Datos, empresas o entidades dedicadas a proporcionar, si se desea, cualquier informacià ³n, sea de carà ¡cter personal o sobre materias de las mà ¡s diversas disciplinas a un Estado o particulares; se comprenderà ¡ que està ¡n en juego o podrà an llegar a estarlo de modo dramà ¡tico, algunos valores colectivos y los consiguientes bienes jurà dicos que el ordenamiento jurà dico-institucional debe proteger. No es la amenaza potencial de la computadora sobre el individuo lo que provoca desvelo, sino la utilizacià ³n real por el hombre de los sistemas de informacià ³n con fines de espionaje. No son los grandes sistemas de informacià ³n los que afectan la vida privada sino la manipulacià ³n o el consentimiento de ello, por parte de individuos poco conscientes e irresponsables de los datos que dichos sistemas contienen. La humanidad no esta frente al peligro de la informà ¡tica sino frente a la posibilidad real de que individuos o grupos sin escrà ºpulos, con aspiraciones de obtener el poder que la informacià ³n puede conferirles, la utilicen para satisfacer sus propios intereses, a expensas de las libertades individuales y en detrimento de las personas. Asimismo, la amenaza futura serà ¡ directamente proporcional a los adelantos de las tecnologà as informà ¡ticas. La proteccià ³n de los sistemas informà ¡ticos puede abordarse tanto desde una perspectiva penal como de una perspectiva civil o comercial, e incluso de derecho administrativo. Estas distintas medidas de proteccià ³n no tienen porque ser excluyentes unas de otras, sino que, por el contrario, à ©stas deben estar estrechamente vinculadas. Por eso, dadas las caracterà sticas de esta problemà ¡tica sà ³lo a travà ©s de una proteccià ³n global, desde los distintos sectores del ordenamiento jurà dico, es posible alcanzar una cierta eficacia en la defensa de los ataques a los sistemas informà ¡ticos. Objetivo General: Acceder a un conjunto de nociones, conceptos e informaciones diversas, que permita la exploracià ³n de la realidad del comportamiento de la actividad comercial dentro de la Red, midiendo el efecto que tal actividad ejerce en la sociedad y en forma individual y en especial, cuando son objeto de fraudes en la realizacià ³n de las actividades; a travà ©s de una metodologà a seleccionada y asà entender los orà genes, causa y consecuencias del fraude electrà ³nico, y los delitos y abusos que ocurren en la Internet. Objetivos: Determinar las condiciones necesarias para el establecimiento de la actividad comercial en red, que permita una actividad segura, sin riesgos desde el punto de vista jurà dico. Conocer las variables dependientes e interdependientes que inciden en el proceso de la comercializacià ³n on line, que permita de deteccià ³n y lucha contra los delitos electrà ³nicos. Conocer el impacto que tienen en la sociedad y en el individuo el manejo y la ejecucià ³n de actividades de tipo comercial a travà ©s de la red. Evaluar y entender la tecnologà a utilizada en la plataforma operativa, software y hardware como medio de ejecucià ³n, para la comprensià ³n del delito electrà ³nico. CONCLUSION Despues de haber comprender las particularidades reales del problema, su entorno, dimensià ³n, asà como el conocimiento holà stico de los demà ¡s elementos evidenciados en el marco teà ³rico concluir con aproximacià ³n a un tema de gran interà ©s y de preocupacià ³n, se puede seà ±alar que dado el carà ¡cter transnacional de los delitos informà ¡tico cometidos esto implica actividades criminales que no se contemplan en las figuras tradicionales como robos, hurtos, falsificaciones, estafa, sabotaje, etc. Sin embargo, debe destacarse que el uso de las tà ©cnicas informà ¡ticas ha creado nuevas posibilidades del uso indebido de computadoras lo que ha propiciado a su vez la necesidad de regulacià ³n por parte del derecho. Universidad Iberoamericana UNIBE Administracià ³n de empresas Jonathan Sanchez Mat. 10-0476 Introduccion a la TIC 2ndo Parcial Jonathan Antonio Sanchez Pena Primera terraza del arroyo num. 37, cuesta Hermosa 2 arroyo hondo. Tel. 809-567-4704, Cel. 809-917-1231 Personal: Fecha de nac: 24 de oct del 1990 Nacionalidad: Dominicana Cedula: 001-1861213-4 Educacion: Colegio San Judas Tadeo Universidad Unibe Administracion de empresas 2do semestre Idiomas: Espanol Ingles Experiencia Laboral: Hotel Jaragua Campamento Comatillo/ monitor Plaza Lama/ vendedor Referencias: Piroska Ordehi: 809.986.4556 Gianfranco Torino: 809-532-6161 INDICE Pag.1.. Introduccion Pag.2-5 . Desarrollo Pag. 6 .. Conclusion Pag.7 .. Internetgrafia INTERNETGRAFIAà ±ol/Capà tulo%2014.%20Comercio%20Electrà ³nico/DR-CAFTA%20Capà tulo%2014.%20Comercio%20Electrà ³nico.pdf
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Discuss Chaucers poetic methods Essay
Discuss Chaucer’s poetic methods in presenting evil in the pardoner’s prologue and tale in the light of this comment. In Chaucer’s time, the nature of evil related to any committing of the 7 deadly sins, consisting of greed, pride, blasphemy, sloth, avarice, wrath, lust and envy. The pardoner’s prologue and tale is comprised of many of these sins, the pardoner himself demonstrating the majority. Other characters, such as the 3 rioters also embody many of these sins. This essay will explore these characters as well as their evil natures and formulate an opinion how Chaucer presents evil in the pardoner’s prologue and tale. The pardoner’s evil nature is initiated from his physical description in the general prologue. He is described as having hair as yelow as wex and hood we wered noon – a description immediately illustrating him as a rule breaker, as for most clergymen it was assumed they would cover their hair. In addition to this, he is described as having such glaryng eyen. In the medieval times, this amounted to the suggestion of evil; therefore, Chaucer has constructed the pardoner in such a way to ambiguously imply he may be somewhat evil. Critics, such as Spearing, have noted that the pardoner’s repellent outer appearance reflects his inner corruption. The description of his fake relics, such as the sayle that saint peter hadde and oure lady veyl are used to demonstrate his evil intentions; taking advantage of the peasants’ good faith by tricking them into buying fake relics, that are nothing more than pigges bones. From the onset, Chaucer has incorporated the theme of evil within the pardoner and has maintained this throughout the prologue and tale. The prologue outlines the pardoner’s admittance to his evil nature, and suggests he may even be proud of this. He boldly states that his sermons are constructed around the well-known Latin biblical phrase, radix malorum est cupiditas – loosely translated as ‘greed is the root of all evil’. The missing word omnium from this is used to demonstrate his lack of biblical knowledge, which is emphasised by the repititon of this phrase throughout. In medieval times, it was common and often expected, for members of the church to know and practice in Latin. The pardoner admits to using pieces of Latin to saffron my predicacioun. This cooking imagery may suggest that he only uses Latin to reinforce his false position, and therefore highlighting his evil nature, and may relate to the sin of gluttony as he is referencing food, again reinforcing the evilness of his character. The pardoner states in the prologue, in the form of a confession, that he preche of no thyng but for coveityse. The repetition of this ironic language along with the shocking imagery that is portrayed through his rhetorical question will I live in poverte willfully? and his admittance to taking money from the povereste widye in the village paints an evil picture of the pardoner who is merely driven by greed. Some critics, such as Georgianna believe in the historical school of thought, and note that the pardoner is merely a vehicle for the substantial embodiment of the church’s abusement. It has been suggested and argued amongst several other critics that Chaucer had no other motive when constructing the pardoner’s character other than to criticize and highlight the wrongdoings of the medieval church. Many fake pardoner’s lived amongst the medieval audience, and carried out the same evil methods as the pardoner, all for the same motive; greed. As a result of this, anticlericalism grew popular amongst the peasant’s very quickly. Therefore, it can be suggested that the pardoner’s character was constructed in such a way to shine light on his evil nature and to draw parallels with the medieval church. The pardoner’s tale is a sermon against four particular sins; gluttony, blasphemy, gambling and drinking. He talks at length of each of these particular sins, giving biblical examples that he has twisted to his benefit, such as Adam and also his wyfe who were dryven for that vice. The pardoner is suggesting that gluttony was the downfall of Adam and Eve, when in fact it was temptation. To sermonize against drinking is massively ironic as the pardoner has admitted to needing a draughte before being able to think of a moral tale to tell the pilgrims – irony in itself seeing as he should not have to think about a tale of morality. The fact that the pardoner is guilty of committing the very sins he preaches about only adds to his evil nature. Many critics, such as Ruth Nevo, suggest that the pardoner is a character in his own tale that he tells. The novelle that the Pardoner tells the pilgrims consist of three rioters. He begins by stating the setting of the three men; in the develes temple – metaphorical for a tavern. The three rioters are established as sinners from the very beginning, already being guilty of committing two of the seven deadly sins; drinking and blaspheming. The repeated suggestion of a brotherhood and addressing each other as brethren has underlying irony as each rioter is ultimately killed by each other’s greed. It has been suggested that as the rioters are not named, and therefore are nt personally addressed, that they have been constructed to suggest the embodiment of sin. Their deaths are quick and do not have much effect; instead, the focus is on the sins that they do commit. This stresses that their evil natures are what caused their own deaths. However, it can be argued that although the pardoner presents evil in the pardoner’s prologue and tale, the fact that he acknowledges this suggests he is fully aware of his evil nature. Koff suggests that the pardoner is not so much evil as he is bold. This can be argued to an extent, as he does admit to being a ful vicious man, yet states that a morale tale yet I yew telle kan. This can be portrayed as being ironic, as he is fully aware of his evil nature, yet still believes that he can preach against the sins he so readily admits to committing. In addition to this, Chaucer does incorporate some good nature into the novelle in the form of the old man. It has long been questioned as to whether he is the personification of death himself, and therefore cannot die, or whether he is merely an instrument used to emphasise the evil nature of the three rioters. His addressing of the three rioters as sires in comparison to the rude greetings of the rioters compares and relates age and innocence; the old man may have been faithful during his lifetime and therefore God will not take his life. In contrast, the young sinful rioters quickly come to their death through their own lack of faith. To conclude, I believe that a ‘sinister exploration of evil’ is truly presented in the pardoner’s prologue and tale. Chaucer uses characterization of the pardoner and three rioters to present how corrupt medieval society was, as well as how readily sins were committed. The pardoner’s simile of as dooth a dowve sittynge on a berne to describe how he sees himself is used as an antithesis of his own character; as a dove carries religious connotations of peace and purity; the opposite to what the pardoner is. Despite infiltrating some holy and pure characters, such as the Old man, he only further emphasises the lack of good in the other characters. Overall, Chaucer constructs the prologue and tale in such a way to present several layers of evil in the Canterbury tales.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
The Importance of Fortnite Essay Topics
The Importance of Fortnite Essay Topics The 30-Second Trick for Fortnite Essay Topics By way of example, in college, you might be requested to compose a paper from the opposing standpoint. The primary goal of topic choice for a proposal essay is to show the idea can be put into place in practice. Needless to say, you can select any topic, nobody could ever know that you're describing experience that you never actually had, but don't forget that it is always simpler to tell the truth than to invent lies. Very often it becomes tough to choose 1 topic either due to the many ideas in the student's head, or due to their complete absence. So you don't actually wish to come across a topic! Try out another topic and do the exact 5-minute writing test till you locate a topic you know it is easy to write on. Therefore, the topic needs to be debatable! Quite frequently, the very best topic is one which you truly care about, but you also will need to get ready to research it. It's possible to select an intriguing topic from any area of science. Sex education is extremely sensitive topic. The introduction should offer general information which will be included in the post. Sure, with this kind of an enormous selection of topics to pick from, picking just one may be challenging. If you're struggling, you always have the option to get help by utilizing an essay writing service such as ours. If you may write a really convincing piece on a real-world application utilizing unique facts and research, then your odds of receiving admission to a top level university will surely grow! Overall, you can observe that writing a persuasive essay isn't a brain surgery. Choosing topics for argumentative essays is very important for your general success. Recent argumentative essay topics that are related to society is going to do. There are several persuasive essay topics to select from to finish your high school or college assignment. The standard of your topic will decide the grading of the paper. Inspiration to make your own advertising or media argumentative essay topics isn't really hard to discover. You don't need to acquire super technical with legal argumentative essays, but don't forget to do your homework on what the recent laws about your preferred topic actually say. Otherwise, you should have a look at a number of the easy compare and contrast essay topics on the many scientific innovations. The Dirty Truth on Fortnite Essay Topics There are several steps which you should take as a way to compose a fantastic essay. Remember your final grade significantly is based on the topic. At the exact same time, it's a terrific persuasive essay idea. Still, figuring out the very best topic for your essay isn't your only concern for a student. Remember your essay is about solving problems, therefore a solution ought to be a highlight of the essay. Although you're just beginning to compose essays, you shouldn't struggle attempting to produce something to discuss. Instead of just immediately writing about your argumentative essay topic, you first have to think about what you're likely to put back on your paper through a procedure of brainstorming and pre-writing. A proposal essay is quite straightforward to comprehend. The thesis will provide you with a guideline about how to go about with writing the essay. Colleges are seeking a feeling of maturity and introspectionpinpoint the transformation and demonstrate your private growth. Students may typically understand the structure with only a short quantity of instruction. They are used to the fact that their professors give them the assignment's topic. College is an intellectual place so attempt to convince the board that you're the suitable person in their opinion. Colleges are not searching for perfect folks. They are more likely to admit students who can articulate specific reasons why the school is a good fit for them beyond its reputation or ranking on any list. Where to Find Fortnite Essay Topics Application essays about challenges reveal how you respond to difficulty to individuals who are really interested in how you are going to manage the subsequent four years by yourself. At exactly the same time, detecting cause and effect relationships isn't that easy in regards to the selection of a very good cause and effect essay topic. Write about a problem you have or wish to solve. Don't neglect to explain why the predicament is significant to you! An argumentative paper is part of the persuasion. The option of compare and contrast essay topics isn't a simple task because you must clearly show your analytical skills. In terms of the organization of the last essay, it's wise to use a 5-paragraph structure. In many professional contexts, respectful argumentation is the thing that leads to the growth of new thoughts and perspectives.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Essay on The Mind of a Serial Killer - 2293 Words
As police walk into an abandoned house, a foul stench overtakes them. The room is dim and looks as though no one has been here for months. They walk further into the house and begin to see spots of blood on the floor. They follow this trail down the stairs into the basement where the smell becomes overwhelming, causing some of the officers to gasp and run back up the stairs. In the basement, they find the remains of several young boys who have been molested and badly mutilated. What could cause someone to participate in such horrendous deeds? What sort of person is able to perform such wicked acts? Serial killers always have aroused the curiosity and concern of the public. People seem to be both fascinated and repulsed by†¦show more content†¦The second key characteristic of most serial killers is an overwhelming need for control. Women and children are often targeted because they are seen as weak and easily dominated figures. Killers will tie their victims up with ropes or chains and watch them helplessly struggle to free themselves. They may also torture them and watch as their pleas for freedom fall upon deaf ears. Many killers are demented and exhibit signs of future violence at a very early age. Society often turns to the upbringing of the killer for answers. Many killers speak of their childhoods being full of sexual abuse, torture, and mayhem (Scott). In his book Serial Killers, Joel Norris speaks of violence as something that cycles from generation to generation: Parents who abuse their children, physically as well as psychologically, instill in them an almost instinctive reliance upon violence as a first resort to any challenge. Childhood abuse not only spawns violent reactions, but also affects the childs health, including brain injuries, malnutrition, and other developmental disorders†(49 – 50). Violence early in life may lead to these undesirable tendencies to abuse and kill. Parents often believe that strict discipline will help the individual grow up to be strong, but it, in turn, creates a gap between the child and the parents. The child does not feel loved or wanted. This mayShow MoreRelatedThe Mind Of A Serial Killer937 Words  | 4 PagesIn the Mind of a Serial Killer Hearing about a serial killer on the new or by a person bring a lot of attention to us. We want to know all about the killer. What he did? Why did he do? The serial killer becomes into a celebrity like figure. Even though he fears of coming into contact with that person we are still open to hear about them. We physically do not want to come in contact with this person because we fear of being their next victim or become hurt by them. But since we are nowhere near thisRead MoreThe Minds Of Serial Killers Essay925 Words  | 4 PagesTOPIC: The minds of serial killers and why they do what they do. 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Many believe it is impervious for an innocent adolescent to be born with the capabilityRead MoreThe Role Of Female Serial Killers On The Mind Of A Serial Killer1594 Words  | 7 PagesDelving into the mind of a serial killer can be a dark and twisted place to go, but also very interesting and intriguing at the same time. While the majority of serial killers in history have been men, women have also had their place in this type of crime. Often our first question when we hear the news of a new serial killer, our first question is â€Å"who is he?†But as we will examine through the research for this paper, women can also be geared to not only kill but to do it over and over again. AlthoughRead MoreThe Twisted Mind of a Serial Killer2301 Words  | 10 PagesThe Twisted Mind of a Serial Killer As police walk into an abandoned house, a foul stench overtakes them. The room is dim and looks as though no one has been here for months. 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This paper examines scientific and meta-analysis studies of men and women serial killers in an attempt to identify some of these factors. By investigating psychologicalRead MoreThe Mind and Motivation of a Serial Killer Essay777 Words  | 4 PagesThe mind and motivation of a serial killer Serial killers tend to be white heterosexual males in their twenties and thirties, who are sexually dysfunctional and have low self-esteem. Serial killers generally murder strangers with cooling off periods in between each murder. Serial killers are twisted in nature. Some return to the place the murder happened or the gravesite to fantasize about their deeds. Serial killers have made many excuses for their killings and behavior such as: Henry LucasRead More The Mind and Motivation of a Serial Killer Essay772 Words  | 4 Pages The mind and motivation of a serial killer nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Serial killers tend to be white heterosexual males in their twenties and thirties, who are sexually dysfunctional and have low self-esteem. Serial killers generally murder strangers with cooling off periods in between each murder. Serial killers are twisted in nature. Some return to the place the murder happened or the gravesite to fantasize about their deeds. Serial killers have made many excuses for their killings and behavior
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